Upon gaining PASS accreditation status, you will have access to the following benefits:
You will be recognised as a PASS-accredited organisation for a period of 3 years, effective from the date your account is validated by ANGUSalive.
Your organisation will be eligible to work in partnership with your local Active Schools Coordinator, to improve the delivery of sport and physical activity in school settings and the transition of young people to community settings.
You will be able to make block-bookings in our ANGUSalive sport & leisure venues, with priority support from our community sport team throughout your booking period.
Your organisation will have access to one free space per year in one of the following ANGUSalive-hosted courses:
Email communitysport@angusalive.scot with the following information to request as space:
Supporting Pre-season or rehab for your members? Your organisation will be able to purchase day passes for our venues at a discounted price, providing access to our fitness suites and pools.
Email our memberships and adult fitness lead for more details – Scott.nicoll@angusalive.scot
Your organisation will be able to book our Brand new elevate spaces in our Carnoustie and Saltire venues for small group fitness activity.
Email communitysport@angusalive.scot for more info.